IFBB Classic Physique Pro Athlete

Certified trainer with 8+ years experience specializing in body transformation and ​competition prep.

Fitness model and ANS PERFORMANCE sponsored athlete with publications in Muscle ​Memory, affiliations with Redge-Fit training systems, and television appearances on ​the Food Network and Dragons Den.

After attending Humber College for fitness and health promotion I spent 4 years ​practicing mixed martial arts and competing in the amateur stream with a record of 7 ​and 0. After leaving the ring I used Thai boxing & Boxing as a form of cardio and to ​maintain a healthy lifestyle while keeping my skills sharp.

Needing something new, I decided to focus more on weight training. This is where my ​passion grew and my physique transformed.

In 2016 I decided to take a shot at competitive bodybuilding where I took 3rd place in ​the Men’s Physique category. Realizing this category left something to be decided I ​took some time off and waited for a chance at the Classic Physique division.

In 2019 I teamed up with Team T-Rex and was able to compete in the Natural Classic ​division placing top 3.

I took a few years off to improve my physique and grow as an athlete and a coach. I ​then returned back to the stage in 2021 where I received my IFBB Pro Card in the ​Men's Classic Physique division. Competing is my hobby but helping others achieve ​their true fitness potential is my passion.

No matter what the goal is, if it’s for the stage or lifestyle transformation, I want to help ​you get there.

When I’m not competing I enjoy spending time in nature; practicing breathing and ​meditation. I firmly believe incredible things come from a state of calm and relaxing the ​mind and body. These breathing practices have helped many of my clients throughout ​their training as well as maintaining low stress levels at work at home and in life. Now ​let’s learn to breath and crush your goals together


I am committed to help you bring out

the best version of yourself ​!

Personal Training







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